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  • 欧盟碳边境调节机制在欧盟理事会达成一致意见


2024-06-24 8浏览
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本次会议中,欧盟理事会发布了碳边境调节机制一般方法(General approach),表明了自身立场;欧洲议会方面,去年12月环境、公共卫生和食品安全委员会(碳边境调节机制的起草委员会)提交了关于碳边境调节机制的修订草案;加上欧盟委员会于2020年提交的相关草案,三方机构各自对碳边境调节机制提出了有差异的设计方案。下表从实施时间、碳关税价格、内含碳排放、涵盖产品、默认值等方面对比了欧盟委员会、欧洲议会和欧盟理事会的碳边境调节机制方案。

注:①‘direct emissions’ mean emissions from the production processes of goods over which the producer has direct control;

②‘direct emissions’ mean emissions from the production processes of goods over which the producer has direct control, including emissions from the production of heating and cooling consumed during the production processes;

‘indirect emissions’ mean greenhouse gas emissions from the production processes of electricity which is consumed during the production processes of goods.

③‘direct emissions’ mean emissions from the production processes of goods, including emissions from heating and cooling used for the production process regardless of the location of the production of the heating and cooling, and including electricity produced within the boundaries of the installation producing the goods;

‘indirect emissions’ mean emissions from the production of electricity which is consumed during the production processes of goods, excluding electricity produced within the boundaries of the installation producing the goods.




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