Citations of my research reaching 10,000

2024-07-02 19浏览

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I was just informed today by Research Gate that my research papers have been cited over 10,000 times by other scholars . I have no idea what this means but nevertheless is something that warms my old heart on a cold winter day.

Note added 12/6/2105 Thanks to a suggestion by reader 孟永涛, I searched Goodle Scholar and found my citation count to be 17956, a difference of almost 8000. The major contributer is the citation of the book with A.E. Bryson which has a citation count of 10000+. No wonder it is a citation classic according to SCI.

Note added 1/21/2019.For the weeks ending 1/13/2019 and 1./20/2019 I was informed by Research Gate that our book topped the citation count of papers. Most gratifying for a 50 year old text book. .