
2024-06-27 38浏览



据美国斯坦福大学(Stanford University)Taylor Kubota 2019年10月25日通过物理学家组织网(Phys.org)提供的消息,我们通常提出的降低大气中二氧化碳水平和降低气候变化风险的方法是从空气中捕获碳或阻止碳进入到大气中去。然而,斯坦福大学的马克·雅各布森(Mark Z. Jacobson)2019年10月21日在《能源与环境科学》(Energy & Environmental Science)杂志上发表的研究表明,碳捕获技术弊大于利,得不偿失。详见Mark Z. Jacobson. The Health and Climate Impacts of Carbon Capture and Direct Air Capture, Energy & Environmental Science (2019). DOI: 10.1039/C9EE02709B

土木与环境工程教授马克·雅各布森(Mark Z. Jacobson)说:“所有的设想都是基于这样的假设,即碳捕获实际上减少了大量的碳。然而,我们的这项研究发现,它只减少了一小部分的碳排放,而且通常还会增加空气污染。” “从社会成本的角度来看,即使你从捕捉设备上获得了****的碳捕集,也比用风力发电场取代煤或天然气发电厂更糟糕,因为碳捕集永远不会减少空气污染,而且总是有捕捉设备的成本。风能取代化石燃料总是能减少空气污染,而且永远不会产生捕捉设备的成本。”

马克·雅各布森是斯坦福大学伍兹环境研究所(Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment)的**研究员,他研究了一家燃煤电厂的碳捕获和一家直接从空气中去除碳的电厂的公开数据。在这两种情况下,运行碳捕获的电力都来自天然气发电。他计算了每种情况下碳捕获过程的净二氧化碳减少量和总成本,包括运行碳捕获设备所需的电力、燃烧和由此产生的上游排放,以及燃煤电厂的上游排放。上游排放包括泄漏和燃烧、开采和运输煤炭或天然气等燃料的排放。





Data from a coal with carbon capture and use (CCU) plant and a synthetic direct air carbon capture and use (SDACCU) plant are analyzed for the equipment’s ability, alone, to reduce CO2. In both plants, natural gas turbines power the equipment. A net of only 10.8% of the CCU plant’s CO2-equivalent (CO2e) emissions and 10.5% of the CO2 removed from the air by the SDACCU plant are captured over 20 years, and only 20-31%, are captured over 100 years. The low net capture rates are due to uncaptured combustion emissions from natural gas used to power the equipment, uncaptured upstream emissions, and, in the case of CCU, uncaptured coal combustion emissions. Moreover, the CCU and SDACCU plants both increase air pollution and total social costs relative to no capture. Using wind to power the equipment reduces CO2e relative to using natural gas but still allows air pollution emissions to continue and increases the total social cost relative to no carbon capture. Conversely, using wind to displace coal without capturing carbon reduces CO2e, air pollution, and total social cost substantially. In sum, CCU and SDACCU increase or hold constant air pollution health damage and reduce little carbon before even considering sequestration or use leakages of carbon back to the air. Spending on capture rather than wind replacing either fossil fuels or bioenergy always increases total social cost substantially. No improvement in CCU or SDACCU equipment can change this conclusion while fossil power plant emissions exist, since carbon capture always incurs an equipment cost never incurred by wind, and carbon capture never reduces, instead mostly increases, air pollution and fuel mining, which wind eliminates. Once fossil power plant emissions end, CCU (for industry) and SDACCU social costs need to be evaluated against the social costs of natural reforestation and reducing nonenergy halogen, nitrous oxide, methane, and biomass burning emissions.

Study casts doubt on carbon capture

Renewables are a better investment than carbon capture for tackling climate change