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急就章:”A quick and dirty job” 暂无好的译文

2024-07-09 139浏览


关于”A quick and dirty job” 是否可用于赞扬,评论22,虞左俊老师好像仍有保留,希望等一等他的美国朋友回应。时间已过,我就按我的美国朋友的回应吧:Yes. You are right. Depending on who did the job, talking about someone else doing a quick and dirty job, it may be a little derogatory. Bu tit also depends on who's saying. Some people are perfectionists, if they say that about other people, it's probably derogatory。But, if they say it about themselves, then it's probably self-derogatory。。。。

总之,取决于语境,是可以用来自谦的,当然其“君、亲、师”也可以帮他自谦,就是表扬其快,加上今后还可以继续改进之意。问题是“dirty”直译为“肮脏”之后,这辞贬义太强,就欺骗了自己,很难准确反应出其本义了。有点像上次提到的rule of thumb。

