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重磅——致敬神级科学家David Sabatini

2024-07-02 75浏览

致敬神级科学家David Sabatini


David M. Sabatini,父母为阿根廷移民,1968年出生在纽约,现年47岁。本科毕业于布朗大学,1997年获得约翰霍普金斯大学博士学位,同年获得Whitehead Fellow。2002年成为Whitehead Institute的助理教授(assistant professor),2006年拿到终身教职(tenured professor)。现任美国MIT怀特黑德生物医学研究所(Whitehead Institute forBiomedical Research)教授,2008年入选HHMI研究员。(PS: 没有博后经历哦,意大利人还是蛮帅气吧^_^)

先说说我为何突然关注起David M. Sabatini。长期关注每期CNS有很多好处,其中之一便是除了能紧密跟踪你目前持续关注的研究方向,还能根据某一类文章的频次发现你新的兴趣点。近年来兴起的能量代谢研究自然是当前十分热门的话题了,谈到能量代谢就不得不提DavidM. Sabatini,这就好比表观遗传学领域言必称C. David Allis。今天写下这篇文章一个重要的因素就是2015年David M. Sabatini的CNSpaper “刷屏”了。自认为有些“见识”的我,对大牛们发CNS即便是一期发两篇(PS: 华人中近年来有王晓东和陈志坚两位美院院士分别在Cell和Science上同期两篇)早已见怪不怪了。然而^_^,截止写这篇文章为止,DavidM. Sabatini在2015年已发表online的文章12篇,但是就是这12篇文章以David M. Sabatini为通讯作者发表的CNS居然有10篇之多,其中6篇研究型(Article)Science论文(其中一篇背靠背和管坤良同时发表),一篇Nature和一篇Cell研究性论文,剩余两篇综述分别发表在Nature和Cell上。其中8篇研究型论文涵盖了能量代谢、新癌基因鉴定、全机组筛选、Sestrin2-mTORC1结构和线粒体等,两篇综述都是讲能量感受的代谢途径和历史。说到这,也就不用多说了,2015年以前的文章虽然没有如此令人不可思议,但是仍是每年约20篇,其中2篇左右CNS。好奇的人不禁要问了,DavidM. Sabatini每天都在写文章吗?(严重好奇,前日那篇纯结构的Science怎么出来的?)

以下我这个外行就粗略介绍一下David M. Sabatini*重要的发现和贡献:

  • 由mTOR的发现说开来。mTOR中文名为哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶蛋白(mammalian target of rapamycin, mTOR),是一种丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶,在细胞生长、分化、增殖、迁移和存活上扮演重要角色。mTOR*早是在酵母中通过遗传筛选被克隆鉴定到的(有三种突变的酵母对rapamycin产生抗性,此三个基因分别命名为FKBP12、TOR1和 TOR2),这一工作由瑞士巴塞尔大学的三名科学家Joseph Heitman、Rao Movva和Michael N. Hall完成,并于1991年发表在Science上【1】。1993年Michael N. Hall组和另一个小组分别在Cell和MCB(PS: 曾经和JBC一样具有相当江湖地位的老牌杂志)上进一步阐明mTOR的激酶性质【2-3】。随后,本次文章的主人公David M.Sabatini和另外两个课题组分别在Cell、Nature和JBC(PS: JBC江湖地位高吧,虽说慢了Cell和Nature一点时间)上在哺乳动物中分离纯化到了mTOR【4-6】。mTOR信号通路的时代从此开启,此后20年的研究那是方兴未艾,DavidM. Sabatini的辉煌之路也由此走来。

  • 明确了mTOR存在于两种完全不同的多蛋白复合体—— mTORC1和mTORC2。2004年鉴定到Raptor这个*重要的mTOR结合蛋白后,随后确定了mTORC1和mTORC2两个蛋白复合体,从此开启了两条不同的路径。2004年DavidM. Sabatini组和MichaelN. Hall分别发表文章发现一种哺乳动物mTORC2,即雷帕霉素不敏感复合体。David Sabatini实验室发现新的结合蛋白Rictor(mTOR1结合的是Raptor)【7】。瑞士Basel大学Michael Hall小组发现mTORC2在酵母和人类中是保守的,也包括Rictor【8】。David Sabatini一篇2005年Science文章中,发现与mTORC2有关的第二个激酶——PDK2(PDK2引起Akt/PKB第473位丝氨酸磷酸化)并协助了PDK1介导的Akt/PKB第308位苏氨酸磷酸化【9】。值得一提的是,这篇2005年的Science文章是David Sabatini目前引用次数*高的文章,目前谷歌学术显示被引用4144次。

  • 2005年创立了RNAi Consortium。此联盟在哈佛和MIT的Broad Institute成立,该RNAi包含了约15000个人类和小鼠的shRNA,也就是目前我们在Sigma-Aldrich查询到的那些序列。此时对全世界从事生命科学的研究人员来说,那是功德无量,做过shRNA的人内心都应该十分感激这个库。我个人受益良多。

  • 伴随着Cas9技术的流行,目前David M. Sabatini正在用Cas9基因敲除技术全基因组筛选参与能量代谢的关键基因。更多信息请参考David M. Sabatini实验室主页http://sabatinilab.wi.mit.edu/publicationsDS.html


    附2015年DavidM. Sabatini的publication list:

  • Wang, S., Tsun, Z.,Wolfson, R.L., Shen, K., Wyant, G.A., Plovanich, M.E., Yuan, E.D., Jones, T.D.,Chantranupong, L., Comb, W., Wang, T., BarPeled, L., Zoncu, R., Straub, C.,Kim, C., Park, J., Sabatini, B.L., Sabatini, D.M. (2015) Lysosomal amino acidtransporter SLC38A9 signals arginine sufficiency to mTORC1. Science347(6218): 188-194.

  • Efeyan,A., Comb, W.C., Sabatini, D.M. (2015) Nutrient-sensing mechanisms and pathways.Nature517: 302-310.

  • Strohecker,A.M., Joshi, S., Possemato, R., Abraham, R.T., Sabatini, D.M., White, E. (2015)Identification of 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase as anovel autophagy regulator by high content shRNA screening. Oncogene

  • Chantranupong,L., Wolfson, R., Sabatini, D.M. (2015) Nutrient-Sensing Mechanisms acrossEvolution. Cell 161:67-83.

  • Katajisto,P., Döhla, J., Chaffer, C.L., Pentinmikko, N., Marjanovic, N., Iqbal, S.,Zoncu, R., Chen, W., Weinberg, R.A., Sabatini, D.M. (2015) Stem cells.Asymmetric apportioning of aged mitochondria between daughter cells is requiredfor stemness. Science348:340-343.

  • Kim,D., Fiske, B.P., Birsoy, K., Freinkman, E., Kami, K., Possemato, R.L.,Chudnovsky, Y., Pacold, ME, Chen W.W., Cantor, J.R., Shelton, L.M., Gui, D.Y.,Kwon, M., Ramkissoon, S.H., Ligon, K.L., Kang, S.W., Snuderl, M., VanderHeiden, M.G., Sabatini, D.M. (2015) SHMT2 drives glioma cell survival inischaemia but imposes a dependence on glycine clearance. Nature 520: 363-367.

  • Birsoy,K., Wang, T., Chen, W.W., Freinkman, E., Abu-Remaileh, M., Sabatini, D.M.(2015) An Essential Role of the Mitochondrial Electron Transport Chain in CellProliferation Is to Enable Aspartate Synthesis. Cell 162(3):540-551.

  • Schweitzer,L.D., Comb, W.C., Bar-Peled, L., Sabatini, D.M. (2015) Disruption of theRag-Ragulator Complex by c17orf59 Inhibits mTOR. Cell Reports 12(9) 1445-155.

  • Wheeler,D.B., Zoncu, R., Root, D.E., Sabatini, D.M., Sawyers, C.L. (2015)Identification of an oncogenic RAB protein. Science 350(6257):211-216.

  • Wolfson,R.L., Chantranupong, L., Saxton, R.A., Shen, K., Scaria, S.M., Cantor, J.R.,Sabatini, D.M. (2015) Sestrin2 is a leucine sensor for the mTORC1 pathway. Science

  • Wang,T., Birsoy, K., Hughes, N.W., Krupczak, K.M., Post, Y., Wei, J.J., Lander,E.S., Sabatini, D.M. (2015) Identification and characterization of essentialgenes in the human genome. Science

  • Saxton,R.A., Knockenhauer, K.E., Wolfson, R.L., Chantranupong, L., Pacold, M.E., Wang,T., Schwartz, T.U., Sabatini, D.M. (2015) Structural basis for leucine sensingby the Sestrin2-mTORC1 pathway. Science

  • mTOR文献参考:

    1.HeitmanJ, Movva NR, Hall MN (August 1991). "Targets for cell cycle arrest b y theimmunosuppressant rapamycin in yeast". Science253 (5022): 905–9.

    2.Kunz,J., Henriquez, R., Schneider, U., Deuter-Reinhard, M., Movva, N.R., an d Hall,M.N. (1993). Target of rapamycin in yeast, TOR2, is an essentialphosphatidylinositol kinase homolog required for G1 progression. Cell 73,585–596.

    3.Cafferkey,R., Young, P.R., McLaughlin, M.M., Bergsma, D.J., Koltin, Y.,Sathe, G.M.,Faucette, L., Eng, W.K., Johnson, R.K., and Livi, G.P. (1993).Dominant missensemutations in a novel yeast protein related to mammalian phosphatidylinositol3-kinase and VPS34 abrogate rapamycin cytotoxicity. Mol. Cell. Biol. 13, 6012–6023.

    4.Sabatini, D.M., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Lui, M., Tempst, P., andSnyder, S.H. (1994). RAFT1: a mammalian protein that binds to FKBP12 in arapamycin dependent fashion and is homologous to yeast TORs. Cell 78,35–43.

    5.Brown,E.J., Albers, M.W., Shin, T.B., Ichikawa, K., Keith, C.T., Lane, W.S., andSchreiber, S.L. (1994). A mammalian protein targeted by G1-arrestingrapamycin-receptor complex. Nature 369, 756–758.

    6.Sabers,C.J., Martin, M.M., Brunn, G.J., Williams, J.M., Dumont, F.J., Wiederrecht, G.,and Abraham, R.T. (1995). Isolation of a protein target of the FKBP12-rapamycincomplex in mammalian cells. J. Biol. Chem. 270, 815–822.

    7.D.D.Sarbassov et al., "Rictor, a novel binding partner of mTOR, defines arapamycin-insensitive and raptor-independent pathway that regulates thecytoskeleton," Curr Biol, 14:1296-1302, 2004

    8.E.Jacinto et al., "Mammalian TOR complex 2 controls the actin cytoskeletonand is rapamycin insensitive," Nat Cell Biol, 6:1122-8, 2004

    9.D.D.Sarbassov et al., "Phosphorylation and regulation of Akt/PKB by therictor-mTOR complex," Science, 307:1098-101, 2005