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  • 朱清时量子力学观的基础是量子力学的冯诺依曼解释


2024-07-02 181浏览


院士讨论的量子力学测量理论,却在土著饭碗内,是天天面对的问题,多少懂一点。院士的量子力学观参见:演讲“从薛定谔的猫到“一切唯心,万法唯识”,“不可思议的量子意识”,《物理学步入禅境:缘起性空》,《再谈物理学步入禅境》和《量子意识——现代科学与佛学的汇合处?》等等。谁会去在意一位外行的胡言乱语? 没想到院士头衔本身就是号召力! 一票大侠齐上阵,好一顿口诛笔伐,好不热闹。也过来蹭个热点。

必须指出,院士量子力学观的要点是,量子力学中没有主客观的清晰分界,客观的存在会受到人类的是否观测的影响。这个看法不是偶然的产物,而是一种必然! 这种必然,有两个来源。**,用公众语言来说明量子力学时,必然丧失一些科学的严谨性。第二,有些从未成形或者过时的理论,却非常吸引公众眼球,在大众媒体中仿佛是科学的定论。院士的错误,主要来自第二点。量子力学有一个所谓冯诺依曼解释(或者称之为冯诺依曼—魏格纳解释):意识导致波包塌缩,诗意的说法就是,客观的存在会受到人类的是否观测的影响。



这些文字是维基百科“Von Neumann–Wigner interpretation”条目中有关文字的翻译。

In his 1932 book The Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, John von Neumann argued that the mathematics of quantum mechanics allows for the collapse of thewave function to be placed at any position in the causal chain from themeasurement device to the "subjective perception" of the human observer. In 1939, Fritz London and Edmond Bauer argued for the latter boundary (consciousness).[1] In the 1960s, Eugene Wigner[2] reformulated the "Schrödinger'scat" thought experiment as "Wigner's friend" and proposed that the consciousness of an observer is the demarcation line which precipitates collapse of the wave function, independent of any realist interpretation. .... The non-physical mind is postulated to be the only true measurement apparatus.[3] Rudolf Peierls was also a proponent of this interpretation. [4]

This interpretation has been summarized thus:

The rules of quantum mechanics are correct but there is only one system which may be treated with quantum mechanics, namely the entire material world. There exist external observers which cannot be treated within quantum mechanics, namely human (and perhaps animal) minds, which perform measurements on the brain causing wave function collapse.[3]

1.F. London and E. Bauer, "La théorie de l’observation enmécanique quantique" (1939), English translation in Quantum Theory and Measurement, edited by J.A., Wheeler and W.H. Zurek, Princeton University, Princeton, 1983, pp. 217–259.

2.Wigner, Eugene; Henry Margenau (1967). "Remarks on the Mind Body Question, in Symmetries and Reflections, Scientific Essays". American Journal of Physics. 35 (12): 1169–1170. Bibcode:1967AmJPh..35.1169W. doi:10.1119/1.1973829. Retrieved 2009-07-30.

3.Schreiber, Z. The Nine Lives of Schrödingers's Cat: https://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/9501014v5

4.P. C. W. Davies and J. R. Brown (editors), The Ghost in the Atom, Cambridge University Press, 1986, p. 73.


由于冯诺依曼是量子力学数学基础的奠基人,哥本哈根解释的代表人物,在大众媒体中,他的意识导致波包塌缩的量子力学解释是哥本哈根解释的一部分。这是彻头彻尾的误解! 2011年,一次国际会议上进行了一次民意调查,只有6%的与会者,认为意识导致波包塌缩的量子力学解释是哥本哈根解释的一部分! 即使如此,他们也认为“大众媒介有时认为哥本哈根解释把测量归咎于意识的作用,这是对哥本哈根解释的误解。”

这些文字亦来自wiki“VonNeumann–Wigner interpretation条”

A pollwas conducted at a quantum mechanics conference in 2011 using 33 participants(including physicists, mathematicians, and philosophers). Researchers foundthat 6% of participants (2 of the 33) indicated that they believed the observer"plays a distinguished physical role (e.g., wave-function collapse byconsciousness)". They also mention that "Popular accounts havesometimes suggested that the Copenhagen interpretation attributes such a roleto consciousness. In our view, this is to misunderstand the Copenhageninterpretation."[15]

15. M.Schlosshauer; J. Koer; A. Zeilinger (2013). "A Snapshot of FoundationalAttitudes Toward Quantum Mechanics". Studies in History and Philosophy ofScience Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics. 44 (3):222–230. arXiv:1301.1069 Freely accessible. doi:10.1016/j.shpsb.2013.04.004.




这一解释的核心是需要一个经典仪器,而这个仪器不在量子力学之内。Weinberg认为,According toBohr, “The essentially new feature of the analysis of quantum phenomena is ...the introduction of a fundamental distinction between the measuring apparatus and the objects under investigation. This is a direct consequence of the necessity of accounting for the functions of themeasuring apparatus in purely classical terms, excluding in principle anyregard to the quantum of action.”

Weinberg还认为,As Bohr acknowledged, in the Copenhagen interpretation a measurement changes the stateof a system in a way that cannot itself be described by quantum mechanics….This interpretation of quantum mechanics entails a departure from the dynamical assumptions of quantum mechanics during measurement.


从1980年代以来,理论界对量子力学测量理论发起了猛攻。今天,量子力学的研究主流的共识是:测量仪器满足量子力学! 不过,这个测量仪器的自由度无穷多,即满足所谓的热力学*限。


哥本哈根解释比较简单! 用来哄哄学生进入量子力学的大门*方便!



2,今天国际科学界的共识是:意识不会影响测量结果。国际科学界的代表人物是:潘建伟院士的导师,物理学诺贝尔奖热门人物A. Zeilinger教授。




土著对高校自主招生充满了激情并工作超过了十年,甚至指导了通过自主招生这个窄们进入湖南大学的学生发表了Top1区SCI刊物论文,但是,他却是自主招生学生质量的怀疑论者。他相信物理学的基础中,应该有超乎经验的地方,否则就是唯象理论,但是,他也怀疑超乎经验的东西一旦超乎物理学本身是否依然可以接受? 他觉得国内的量子力学教材根本没有与时俱进,充斥了过时的、荒唐的说法,却对自己写的东西也是嗤之以鼻。很可能,他所在的局部地球磁场出了问题,或者他的GPS工作一直不正常。