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草甘膦(Glyphosate,化学名称为N-(膦酸甲基)甘氨酸,化学式:C3H8NO5P)是由美国孟山都公司开发的除草剂。又称:镇草宁、农达(Roundup)、草干膦、膦甘酸。纯品为非挥发性白色固体,比重为0.5,大约在230 ℃左右熔化,并伴随分解。25 ℃时在水中的溶解度为1.2%,不溶于一般有机溶剂,其异丙胺盐完全溶解于水。不可燃、不爆炸,常温贮存稳定。对中碳钢、镀锡铁皮(马口铁)有腐蚀作用。

1 应用广泛


*初应用于橡胶园防除茅草及其他杂草,可使橡胶树提早1年割胶,老橡胶树增产。现逐步推广于林业、果园、桑园、茶园,稻麦、水稻和油菜轮作地等。各种杂草对草甘膦的敏感程度不同,因而用药量也不同。如稗、狗尾草、看麦娘、牛筋草、马唐、猪殃殃等一年生杂草,用药量以有效成分计为6~10.5 g/100m。对车前子、小飞蓬、鸭跖草等用药量以有效成分计为11.4~15 g/100 m。对白茅、硬骨草、芦苇等则需18~30 g/100 m,一般对水3~4.5 kg,对杂草茎叶均匀定向喷雾。一般阔叶杂草在萌芽早期或开花期,禾本科在拔节晚期或抽穗早期每亩用药量兑水20-30 kg喷雾。已割除茎叶的植株应待杂草并生至有足够的新生叶片时再施药。防除多年生杂草时一次药量分2次,间隔5 d施用能提高防效。

防除苹果园、桃园、葡萄园、梨园、茶园、桑园和农田休闲地杂草,对稗狗尾草、看麦娘、牛筋草、 马唐、苍耳、藜、繁缕、猪殃殃等 一年生杂草。



防除一年生杂草每亩用10%水剂0.5-1.0 kg,防除多年生杂草每亩用10%水剂1.0-1.5 kg。兑水20-30 kg,对杂草茎叶定向喷雾即可。


农田倒茬播种前防除田间已生长杂草,用药量可参照果园除草。棉花生长期用药,需采用带罩喷雾定向喷雾。每亩用10%水剂0.50-0.75 kg,兑水20-30 kg。


于杂草4-6叶期,每亩用10%水剂0.5-1.0 kg,加柴油100 mL,兑水20-30 kg,对杂草喷雾。

4)对于一些恶性杂草,如香附子芦苇等,可每亩地按照200 g加入助剂,除草效果好。草甘膦的适用范围还包括:












2 致癌性存在争议


Glyphosate toxicity and carcinogenicity: a review of the scientific basis of the European Union assessment and its differences with IARC.

Tarazona JV, Court-Marques D, Tiramani M, Reich H, Pfeil R, Istace F, Crivellente F.

Arch Toxicol. 2017 Aug;91(8):2723-2743. doi: 10.1007/s00204-017-1962-5. Epub 2017 Apr 3. Review.

Free PMC Article

IARC use of oxidative stress as key mode of action characteristic for facilitating cancer classification: Glyphosate case example illustrating a lack of robustness in interpretative implementation.

Bus JS.

Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2017 Jun;86:157-166. doi: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2017.03.004. Epub 2017 Mar 6.

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Passive exposure to agricultural pesticides and risk of childhood leukemia in an Italian community.

Malagoli C, Costanzini S, Heck JE, Malavolti M, De Girolamo G, Oleari P, Palazzi G, Teggi S, Vinceti M.

Int J Hyg Environ Health. 2016 Nov;219(8):742-748. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2016.09.015. Epub 2016 Sep 21.

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Glyphosate rodent carcinogenicity bioassay expert panel review.

Williams GM, Berry C, Burns M, de Camargo JL, Greim H.

Crit Rev Toxicol. 2016 Sep;46(sup1):44-55.

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Glyphosate epidemiology expert panel review: a weight of evidence systematic review of the relationship between glyphosate exposure and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma or multiple myeloma.

Acquavella J, Garabrant D, Marsh G, Sorahan T, Weed DL.

Crit Rev Toxicol. 2016 Sep;46(sup1):28-43.

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A review of the carcinogenic potential of glyphosate by four independent expert panels and comparison to the IARC assessment.

Williams GM, Aardema M, Acquavella J, Berry SC, Brusick D, Burns MM, de Camargo JL, Garabrant D, Greim HA, Kier LD, Kirkland DJ, Marsh G, Solomon KR, Sorahan T, Roberts A, Weed DL.

Crit Rev Toxicol. 2016 Sep;46(sup1):3-20.

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On the International Agency for Research on Cancer classification of glyphosate as a probable human carcinogen.

Tarone RE.

Eur J Cancer Prev. 2016 Aug 22. [Epub ahead of print]

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Systematic review and meta-analysis of glyphosate exposure and risk of lymphohematopoietic cancers.

Chang ET, Delzell E.

J Environ Sci Health B. 2016;51(6):402-34. doi: 10.1080/03601234.2016.1142748. Epub 2016 Mar 25.

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Differences in the carcinogenic evaluation of glyphosate between the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

Portier CJ, Armstrong BK, Baguley BC, Baur X, Belyaev I, Bellé R, Belpoggi F, Biggeri A, Bosland MC, Bruzzi P, Budnik LT, Bugge MD, Burns K, Calaf GM, Carpenter DO, Carpenter HM, López-Carrillo L, Clapp R, Cocco P, Consonni D, Comba P, Craft E, Dalvie MA, Davis D, Demers PA, De Roos AJ, DeWitt J, Forastiere F, Freedman JH, Fritschi L, Gaus C, Gohlke JM, Goldberg M, Greiser E, Hansen J, Hardell L, Hauptmann M, Huang W, Huff J, James MO, Jameson CW, Kortenkamp A, Kopp-Schneider A, Kromhout H, Larramendy ML, Landrigan PJ, Lash LH, Leszczynski D, Lynch CF, Magnani C, Mandrioli D, Martin FL, Merler E, Michelozzi P, Miligi L, Miller AB, Mirabelli D, Mirer FE, Naidoo S, Perry MJ, Petronio MG, Pirastu R, Portier RJ, Ramos KS, Robertson LW, Rodriguez T, Röösli M, Ross MK, Roy D, Rusyn I, Saldiva P, Sass J, Savolainen K, Scheepers PT, Sergi C, Silbergeld EK, Smith MT, Stewart BW, Sutton P, Tateo F, Terracini B, Thielmann HW, Thomas DB, Vainio H, Vena JE, Vineis P, Weiderpass E, Weisenburger DD, Woodruff TJ, Yorifuji T, Yu IJ, Zambon P, Zeeb H, Zhou SF.

J Epidemiol Community Health. 2016 Aug;70(8):741-5. doi: 10.1136/jech-2015-207005. Epub 2016 Mar 3. No abstract available.

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更多信息见附件:glyphosate and cancer - PubMed - NCBI.pdf

图1 1975-2017年PubMed数据库收录于草甘膦有关研究的文献变化

3 草甘膦除草剂产品在巴西的应用

孟山都草甘膦除草剂Roundup Ultra2016年12月下旬被巴西批准用于柑橘、甘蔗和咖啡。该产品使用了Transorb II表面活性剂技术,此前已在巴西用于玉米、大豆、棉花和水稻。Roundup Ultra是一款粒状高浓度制剂,每公顷的使用量更小,便于储存、运输和处理包装。Roundup Ultra的制剂配方确保了产品的快速吸收,并能在阔叶和窄叶内转移。与其他产品相比,其耐雨水冲刷的能力更强。

孟山都南美植保主管马塞洛·塞加拉(Marcelo Segalla)介绍说,“Transorb II助剂技术确保了产品在不利温度和湿度条件下也能发挥**的性能,对于柑橘、咖啡和甘蔗种植者的可持续生产和增产来说将是一款重要的工具。”

马塞洛·塞加拉还表示,在遇到复杂的杂草管理挑战后,Roundup Ultra的特性优点就更能显现,除了处理效果以外,还表现在储存运输等方面。

4 2022年是法国禁用草甘膦除草剂的*后期限

据法新社2017年9月25日(周一)提供的消息,法国政府已经决定在2022年之前逐步淘汰草甘膦(glyphosate)的使用,草甘膦是世界上使用*广泛的除草剂,也是除草剂中备受争议的有效成分之一。草甘膦是由美国农业化学品巨头孟山都公司(Monsanto)生产的*畅销的除草剂Roundup的主要成分,但草甘膦一直被认为可能会导致癌症。尽管欧盟委员会(The European Commission)已经提出了此化学品使用许可证延长十年,但是法国已表示将投票反对和试图阻止使用。

法国政府发言人克利斯多夫·卡斯塔勒(Christophe Castaner)告诉RMC电台(RMC radio):“首相…已经决定草甘膦产品将在法国本届政府任期结束时被禁止在法国使用,其中包括其他类似的对于公共健康构成威胁的产品。”

克利斯多夫·卡斯塔勒表示,在总统伊曼纽尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)任期的五年内,法国政府将拨出50亿欧元(即60亿美元)来支持替代草甘膦的新产品开发。更多信息请注意浏览相关报道:

France to vote against EU renewal of weedkiller

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Popular weedkiller doesn't cause cancer: EU agency



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1o Things You Need to Know about Glyphosate

France to ban glyphosate weedkiller by 2022: government

September 25, 2017

France has decided to set 2022 as a deadline to phase out the use of glyphosate, the controversial active ingredient in one of the world's most widely used weedkillers, the government said on Monday.

Glyphosate is the main component in the best-selling herbicide Roundup produced by the US agro-chemicals giant Monsanto, but there have been concerns it may cause cancer.

The European Commission has proposed extending the license for the use of the chemical for 10 years, which France has said it will vote against and try to block.

"The prime minister... has decided that this product will be banned in France by the end of the government's term, as well as others that are similar and which are a public health threat," government spokesman Christophe Castaner told RMC radio.

Castaner said the government would set aside 5.0 billion euros ($6.0 billion) over President Emmanuel Macron's five-year term to support the development of an alternative to glyphosate.