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  • 剃掉纳米晶体上的“毛发”,以改善下一代显示器和太阳能电池


2024-06-17 110浏览



Fig. 1 University of Chicago graduate student Josh Portner collects x-ray scattering data from tiny “supercrystals.” Scientists hope such supernanocrystals could form the basis of new technologies thanks to a new method to help them talk to one another electronically. Credit: Talapin lab/University of Chicago

Fig. 2 Previously, when scientists assembled nanocrystals together into arrays, they would grow with long “hairs” around them (see left image, taken by an electron microscope).These hairs made it difficult for electrons to jump from one nanocrystal to another. But a new technique reduces the hairs around each nanocrystal (right image) to pack them in more tightly and improve the electronic communication. Credit: Talapin lab/University of Chicago

据美国芝加哥大学(University Of Chicago)2022年3月27日提供的消息,科学家们剃掉纳米晶体的“毛发”,以改善它们的电子性能。芝加哥大学化学家们的突破性进展可能会改善下一代显示器和太阳能电池等未来设备(Shaving “Hairs” off Nanocrystals To Improve Next-Gen Displays and Solar Cells)。图1芝加哥大学德米特里·塔拉平(Dmitri V.Talapin)实验室提供的照片。芝加哥大学研究生乔希·波特纳(Josh Portner)从微小的“超晶体”收集X射线散射数据。科学家们希望这种超纳米晶体能够成为新技术的基础,这要归功于一种帮助它们通过电子方式相互交流的新方法。

今天,你可以把一台完整的电脑放在你的口袋里,因为自20世纪50年代以来,技术构建块(technological building blocks)变得越来越小。但是为了创造未来的电子产品,比如更强大的手机,更高效的太阳能电池,甚至是量子计算机,科学家们需要在*微小的尺度上开发出全新的技术。


一项新研究在使纳米晶体以电子方式协同工作方面取得了突破。这项研究于2022年3月24日已经在《科学》(Science)杂志网站发表——IgorCoropceanu, Eric M.Janke, JoshuaPortner, DannyHaubold, Trung DacNguyen, AvishekDas, Christian P. N.Tanner, James K.Utterback, Samuel W.Teitelbaum, Samuel W.Teitelbaum, Margaret H.Hudson, Nivedina A.Sarma, Alex M.Hinkle, Christopher J.Tassone, AlexanderEychmüller, David T.Limmer, MonicaOlvera De La Cruz, Naomi S.Ginsberg,Dmitri V.Talapin. Self-assembly of nanocrystals into strongly electronically coupled all-inorganic supercrystals. Science, 24 Mar 2022, 375(6587): 1422-1426.DOI: 10.1126/science.abm6753. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abm6753

此成果可能会为未来具有新功能的设备打开大门。这篇论文的通讯作者,芝加哥大学教授德米特里·塔拉平说:“我们称这些为超级原子构建块(super atomic building blocks),因为它们可以赋予我们新的能力——例如,让摄像机看到红外范围内的东西。但到目前为止,很难将它们组合成结构,并让它们相互对话。现在是**次,我们不必做出选择。这是一个变革性的进步。”

该研究的**作者之一、芝加哥大学化学博士生乔希·波特纳(Josh Portner)说,在他们的论文中,科学家们列出了设计规则,这些规则应该允许创造许多不同类型的材料。

一个小问题(A tiny problem)


这些毛发使得电子很难从一个纳米晶体跳到另一个纳米晶体。电子是电子通信的信使;它们移动方便的能力是任何电子设备的关键部分。由芝加哥大学德米特里·塔拉平实验室提供的图2(Fig. 2)显示,以前,当科学家们将纳米晶体组装成阵列时,它们会在周围生长出长长的“毛发”(见左图,由电子显微镜拍摄)。这些毛发使得电子很难从一个纳米晶体跳到另一个纳米晶体。但一项新技术减少了每个纳米晶体周围的毛发(右图),使它们更紧密地包裹在一起,改善了电子通信。

研究人员需要一种方法来减少每个纳米晶体周围的毛发,这样他们就可以把它们更紧密地包在一起,并减少两者之间的间隙。芝加哥大学化学与分子工程欧内斯特·德威特·伯顿杰出服务教授(Ernest DeWitt Burton Distinguished Service Professor of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering at UChicago)、阿贡国家实验室(Argonne National Laboratory)资深科学家德米特里·塔拉平说:“当这些间隙缩小到原来的1/3时,电子跃过的概率就会提高10亿倍,它随距离的变化非常强烈。”

为了解决这个问题,他们试图理解原子层面上发生的事情。为此,他们需要阿贡纳米尺度材料中心(Center for Nanoscale Materials at Argonne)的强大X射线和SLAC国家加速器实验室的斯坦福同步辐射光源(Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)的帮助,以及强大的化学和物理模拟和模型。所有这些都让他们了解了表面上发生的事情,并找到了利用这些物质的关键。




参与该研究包括来自德国德累斯顿工业大学(Technische Universität Dresden)、美国芝加哥大学、美国西北大学(Northwestern University)、亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University)、斯坦福直线加速器中心(Stanford Linear Accelerator Center简称SLAC)、劳伦斯·伯克利国家实验室(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)以及加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley)的科学家。该研究部分在美国能源部能源-水系统先进材料中心(DOE’s Advanced Materials for Energy-Water Systems Center)、美国中西部计算材料综合中心(Midwest Integrated Center for Computational Materials)、阿贡纳米材料中心(Center for Nanoscale Materials at Argonne)以及SLAC 国家加速器实验室的斯坦福同步辐射光源(Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)进行。同时该研究得到下列机构资助:美国能源部(U.S. Department of Energy)、美国国防部(U.S. Department of Defense)、美国国家科学基金会(National Science Foundation)、阿诺德和梅布尔·贝克曼基金会(Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation)、阿尔弗雷德·斯隆基金会(Alfred P. Sloan Foundation)、大卫和露西尔·帕卡德基金会(David and Lucile Packard Foundation)、卡米尔和亨利·德雷福斯教师奖学金(Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards)、谢尔曼·仙童基金会(Sherman Fairchild Foundation)。


Conducting colloidal nanocrystals

Organic capping ligands on nanocrystals can promote ordering of films and crystals but tend to block electronic conduction. Smaller inorganic ligands, such as diindium tetraselenide anions, promote conduction for semiconductors such as cadmium selenide but tend to form gels rather than crystals. Coropceanuet al. show that these inorganic anions can form electronically coupled crystals of nanocrystals of metals such as gold and nickel and semiconductors with high dielectric constants such as lead sulfide. In these cases, the multivalent anions bind in a dense but reversible manner to the nanocrystal surface and enable rearrangements that lead to the formation of crystals rather than amorphous gels. —PDS


Colloidal nanocrystals of metals, semiconductors, and other functional materials can self-assemble into long-range ordered crystalline and quasicrystalline phases, but insulating organic surface ligands prevent the development of collective electronic states in ordered nanocrystal assemblies. We reversibly self-assembled colloidal nanocrystals of gold, platinum, nickel, lead sulfide, and lead selenide with conductive inorganic ligands into supercrystals exhibiting optical and electronic properties consistent with strong electronic coupling between the constituent nanocrystals. The phase behavior of charge-stabilized nanocrystals can be rationalized and navigated with phase diagrams computed for particles interacting through short-range attractive potentials. By finely tuning interparticle interactions, the assembly was directed either through one-step nucleation or nonclassical two-step nucleation pathways. In the latter case, the nucleation was preceded by the formation of two metastable colloidal fluids.