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  • 研究人员发现了一种取决于入射光波长的电压


2024-06-17 162浏览



Fig. 1 SbSI and SbSI:Sb2S3photovoltaic devices. Credit: Ryosuke Nishikubo

Fig. 2 Device structure (left) and schematic of current density-voltage (JV) characteristics. This figure is reproduced from the original paper (Figure1a). Credit: Ryosuke Nishikubo

Fig. 3 JV characteristics of a SbSI:Sb2S3 photovoltaic device under the simultaneous irradiation of ultraviolet (UV) and visible (VIS) light with varying intensity ratios. This figure is reproduced from the original paper (Figure2e). Credit: Ryosuke Nishikubo et al.,Advanced Functional Materials, CC BY

据日本大阪大学(Osaka University)2022年7月5日提供的消息,来自日本大阪大学开放和跨学科研究所(Institute for Open and Transdisciplinary Research Initiatives)的科学家,发现了由碘硫化锑∶三硫化二锑(SbSI∶Sb2S3)复合物制成的太阳能电池(Fig. 1)的一个新特性,他们称之为波长相关光伏效应(wavelength-dependent photovoltaic effect简称WDPE)。研究小组确定,将入射光的颜色从可见光更改为紫外线会导致输出电压发生可逆变化(Researchers discover a voltage that depends on the wavelength of incident light),同时使产生的电流保持不变。这项工作可能会产生新的功能性光传感和成像设备。

光伏(Photovoltaic简称PV)器件,如太阳能电池和光电二*管,将光能转换为电子能,作为可再生能源(renewable energy sources)或光/图像传感器非常重要。薄膜光伏器件(thin film PV devices)因其低成本、灵活性和重量轻而备受关注。然而,尽管到目前为止已经报道了各种光伏器件,但之前还没有观察到可逆和快速的波长相关响应。为了使用单个光电二*管区分辐照颜色,必须使用能够电子切换吸收颜色范围的液晶滤波器。然而,这些过滤器体积庞大;能够在不需要此类滤光器的情况下进行颜色检测将有助于*小化光伏设备的尺寸。

现在,大阪大学的一个研究小组已经用锑的化合物(SbSI∶Sb2S3)制造出了新的光伏器件,发现了一种新颖的效果。产生的电压可以通过切换灯光颜色来改变,紫外线会降低输出电压。也就是说,只需将不同颜色的光照射在器件上,就可以获得电流-电压曲线的可逆变化。器件结构和电流密度-电压(JV)特性示意图见图2(Fig. 2)所示。相关研究结果于2022年6月28日已经在《**功能材料》(Advanced Functional Materials)杂志网站发表——Ryosuke Nishikubo(西久保 綾佑), Shaoxian Li, Akinori Saeki(佐伯 昭紀). Unprecedented Wavelength Dependence of an Antimony Chalcohalide Photovoltaic Device.Advanced Functional Materials, First published: 28 June 2022. DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202201577. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adfm.202201577?af=R

此论文的**作者西久保 綾佑(Ryosuke Nishikubo)解释说:“在硅、钙钛矿或有机太阳能电池(organicsolar cells)中没有观察到如此剧烈的电压变化。”

为了更好地理解这一效应背后的机制,科学家们随后进行了瞬态光电压(transient photovoltage 简称TPV)和通过线性增加电压的光诱导电荷提取(photo-induced charge extraction by linearly increasing voltage简称photo-CELIV)。这些实验有助于阐明紫外辐照引起的电荷载流子寿命的剧烈可逆变化。

研究小组得出结论,WDPE是由高能电荷在异质结界面上产生的亚稳“陷阱”态(metastable "trap" states)引起的。这些界面能陷阱显著降低了输出电压(output voltage),因此,可以根据电压来区分某些能量的光。这种变化可以通过*性溶剂的蒸汽的存在而增强。此论文的通讯作者佐伯昭紀说:“虽然我们的工作通过解释这种新的效应有助于推进基础科学,但这项研究也有许多潜在的应用,包括作为蒸汽探测器。”

图3(Fig. 3)是SbSI:Sb2S3光伏器件在紫外光(UV)和可见光(VIS)同时照射下的JV特性。此图是从原稿(图2e)复制而来的。



Light-emitting electrochemical cells for recyclable lighting


The output of a photovoltaic (PV) device follows the Shockley diode equation, where its open-circuit voltage (VOC) is marginally modulated by the photocurrent density and light intensity. Herein, an unprecedented wavelength-dependent photovoltaic effect (WDPE) in antimony chalcoiodide (SbSI) and SbSI:Sb2S3devices is reported, which demonstrate a rapid, reversible change ofVOCby changing irradiation wavelength. TheVOCin a SbSI:Sb2S3device is varied from 0.35 to 0.47V under 375 and 515nm light without a change of photocurrent. Such a dramatic shift inVOCis not observed in silicon, perovskites, or organic solar cells. WDPE allows for a wavelength-recognizable single-junction photodetector without using a color filter, and is not explained by the conventional diode model. Based on the time-resolved evaluations of charge carriers, the interfacial metastable trap of a hot carrier generated by short-wavelength light as the origin of the observed anomalous behavior is identified. Interestingly, the trap states and photocurrent kinetics are affected by humidity and ammonium gas, which provide another multifunctional aspect of the WDPE. These findings provide deep insight into PV physics and a new way to detect color using a single cell.