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  • 科学家发明了“量子长笛”,可以让光子一起运动


2024-06-17 28浏览



A new “quantum flute” experiment by University of Chicago physicists could point the way towards new quantum technology. The holes create different wavelengths, akin to 'notes' on a flute, that can be used to encode quantum information. Credit: Photo courtesy of the Schuster lab

据美国芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)2022年7月6日提供的消息,科学家发明了“量子长笛”,可以让光的粒子一起运动(Scientists invent 'quantum flute' that can make particles of light move together)。芝加哥大学物理学家的一项新的量子长笛实验可能为新的量子技术指明方向。这些孔产生不同的波长,类似于长笛上的“音符”,可以用来编码量子信息(详见上图所示)。

芝加哥大学的物理学家发明的这种“量子长笛(quantum flute)”,就像魔笛手一样,它可以强迫光粒子以一种****的方式一起运动。

发表在《物理评论快报》(Physical Review Letters)和《自然物理学》(Nature Physics)上的两项研究描述了这一突破,它可能为实现量子记忆(quantum memories)或在量子计算机中实现新的纠错形式指明了道路,并可以观察自然界中看不到的量子现象。详见Srivatsan Chakram, Andrew E. Oriani, Ravi K. Naik, Akash V. Dixit, Kevin He, Ankur Agrawal, Hyeokshin Kwon, David I. Schuster. Seamless High-QMicrowave Cavities for Multimode Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics. Physical Review Letters, 2021,127(10): 107701 – Published 31 August 2021. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.107701. https://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.107701

Srivatsan Chakram, Kevin He, Akash V. Dixit, Andrew E. Oriani, Ravi K. Naik, Nelson Leung, Hyeokshin Kwon, Wen-Long Ma, Liang Jiang, David I. Schuster.Multimode photon blockade. Nature Physics, Published:23 June 2022, DOI: 10.1038/s41567-022-01630-y. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41567-022-01630-y

大卫·舒斯特(David Schuster)副教授的实验室致力于量子比特(quantum bits)的研究,量子比特相当于计算机比特,它利用原子和亚原子水平上粒子的奇怪特性来做一些在其他情况下不可能完成的事情。在这个实验中,他们研究的是微波光谱中被称为光子(photons)的光粒子。

他们设计的系统由一块金属制成的长腔组成,用来捕获微波频率的光子。这种腔体是通过钻偏置孔(offset holes)制成的,就像长笛上的孔一样。

大卫·舒斯特说:“就像在乐器(musical instrument)中一样,你可以在整个乐器中发送一个或几个波长的光子,每个波长创建一个‘音符’('note'),可以用来编码量子信息(encodequantum information)。”然后,研究人员可以使用一个主量子比特,即超导电路,来控制“音符”的相互作用。


大卫·舒斯特说:“在这里,我们做了一些更奇怪的事情。一开始,光子完全不相互作用,但当系统中的总能量(total energy)达到临界点时,突然之间,它们都在相互交谈。”






“通常情况下,量子相互作用发生的长度和时间尺度太小或太快,我们无法看到。在我们的系统中,我们可以在任何音符中测量单个光子(singlephotons),并观察相互作用发生时的影响。用眼睛‘看到’量子相互作用真的非常棒,”芝加哥大学博士后研究员斯里瓦桑·查克拉姆(Srivatsan Chakram)说,他是上述2篇论文的共同**作者,现在是美国罗格斯大学(Rutgers University)的助理教授。


Twin photons from different quantum dots

Abstract (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.107701)

Multimode cavity quantum electrodynamics—where a two-level system interacts simultaneously with many cavity modes—provides a versatile framework for quantum information processing and quantum optics. Because of the combination of long coherence times and large interaction strengths, one of the leading experimental platforms for cavity QED involves coupling a superconducting circuit to a 3D microwave cavity. In this work, we realize a 3D multimode circuit QED system with single photon lifetimes of 2ms across 9 modes of a novel seamless cavity. We demonstrate a variety of protocols for universal single-mode quantum control applicable across all cavity modes, using only a single drive line. We achieve this by developing a straightforwardflutemethod for creating monolithic superconducting microwave cavities that reduces loss while simultaneously allowing control of the mode spectrum and mode-qubit interaction. We highlight the flexibility and ease of implementation of this technique by using it to fabricate a variety of 3D cavity geometries, providing a template for engineering multimode quantum systems with exceptionally low dissipation. This work is an important step towards realizing hardware efficient random access quantum memories and processors, and for exploring quantum many-body physics with photons.

Abstract (DOI: 10.1038/s41567-022-01630-y)

Interactions are essential for the creation of correlated quantum many-body states. Although two-body interactions underlie most natural phenomena, three- and four-body interactions are important for the physics of nuclei1, exotic few-body states in ultracold quantum gases2, the fractional quantum Hall effect3, quantum error correction4and holography5,6. Recently, a number of artificial quantum systems have emerged as simulators for many-body physics, featuring the ability to engineer strong interactions. However, the interactions in these systems have largely been limited to the two-body paradigm and require building up multibody interactions by combining two-body forces. Here we implement a scheme to create a higher-order interaction between photons stored in multiple electromagnetic modes of a microwave cavity. The system is dressed such that there is collectively no interaction until a target total photon number is reached across multiple distinct modes, at which point the photons interact strongly. In our demonstration, we create interactions involving up to three bodies and across up to five modes. We harness the interaction to prepare single-mode Fock states and multimode W states, which we verify by introducing a multimode Wigner tomography method.