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  • 刊·见 | 与Wood Material Science and Engineering一起探索木材科学的前沿技术

刊·见 | 与Wood Material Science and Engineering一起探索木材科学的前沿技术

2024-06-17 9浏览


本期刊·见栏目,为您介绍材料科学:木材科学领域期刊Wood Material Science and Engineering,除了对期刊详尽的介绍外,还向您介绍刊内近三年内作者高被引文章,以及近一年内高阅读量文章:

l 综述:人造板中超低甲醛释放胶粘剂系统和甲醛清除剂的*新进展

l 综述:关于影响木材建筑中实木产品胶合质量的因素的部分前人研究成果及可能的发展

l 二氧化碳激光切割后榉木的解剖和形态特征

l 大跨度受压表皮木地板的动态试验

Wood Material Science and Engineering 是一本跨学科国际期刊,旨在为木材科学和技术领域的前沿提供服务,发表基础研究和应用研究,主题涵盖:

l 木材材料科学,重点聚焦于:水木关系、木材耐久性、木材改性、木材力学、木材复合材料、工程木制品、能源转换和高效节能的木质产品。

l 木材工程学,即把木材材料科学应用于林产品的设计、加工和制造,以及对于这些产品的机器和工艺使用。聚焦生物燃料、锯材和精炼的产品,如结构元件、室内配件和家具。在这方面侧重木材材料的性质与终端木制品的特性及其对环境的影响之间的联系。

此外,Wood Material Science and Engineering还接受高水平的综述。

该期刊已被Scopus, CAB Abstracts, AgBiotechNet, Review of Agricultural Entomology等数据库收录。

  • 2022影响因子:2.2

  • 2022 5年影响因子:2.3

  • 影响因子*佳分区:Q2

  • 2022 CiteScore: 4.4

  • 2022 CiteScore*佳分区: Q2

  • 年下载量:7.4万次

  • 稿件接受率:44%


根据JCR显示,Wood Material Science and Engineering 在材料科学、造纸和木材领域排名6/21。


根据Scopus显示, Wood Material Science and Engineering的

· CiteScore(2022)为4.4

· CiteScoreTracker(2023)为3.5

Wood Material Science and Engineering在材料科学领域排名203/453






Wood Material Science and Engineering主编是Dick Sandberg教授(瑞典吕勒奥理工大学)。副主编由Charles Frihart博士(美国农业部森林产品实验室)、Magnus Wålinder教授(瑞典 KTH 建筑材料学院)、Andreja Kutnar教授(斯洛文尼亚 InnoRenew CoE研究所 和Primorska 大学)、George Mantanis教授(希腊塞萨利大学)共同担任。此外,编委团队由多国学者组成。其中,来自中国的是北京林业大学曹金珍教授。


Dick Sandberg教授任职于瑞典吕勒奥理工大学,他的研究方向为木材科学与工程。


Charles R. Frihart博士任职于美国农业部森林产品实验室,致力于在应用研究与基础研究、工业界与学术界、纳米级工艺与宏观性能、化学结构与聚合物性能之间架起美国与外国研究人员之间的桥梁。他主要的研究方向为粘合剂,他认为化学品与木材的相互作用也具有重要价值。

Magnus Wålinder教授任职于瑞典KTH建筑材料学院,他的研究方向聚焦支持未来由可再生资源制成的生物基建筑材料的开发。

Andreja Kutnar教授任职于斯洛文尼亚科佩尔普利莫斯卡大学,她也是InnoRenew CoE 研究所的负责人。她的研究方向包括木材复合材料、木材的热-水-机械处理以及粘合。

George Mantanis教授任职于希腊塞萨利大学,他的研究领域为木材结构与性能。




根据JCR显示,近三年在Wood Material Science and Engineering 发文的国家中,发文排名前三位的国家有:

· 中国

· 瑞典

· 德国

近三年,在Wood Material Science and Engineering 发文的全球高校和科研机构中,发文数量排名前三位的是:


· 吕勒奥理工大学

· 哥廷根大学


Recent progress in ultra-low formaldehyde emitting adhesive systems and formaldehyde scavengers in wood-based panels: a review



Traditional wood-based panels are produced with synthetic, formaldehyde-based adhesives, commonly made from fossil-derived constituents, such as urea, phenol, melamine, etc. Along with their numerous advantages, such as chemical versatility, high reactivity and excellent adhesive performance, these adhesives are characterized by certain problems, connected with the hazardous volatile organic compounds (VOCs), mostly free formaldehyde in the adhesives and the formaldehyde emission from the finished wood composites, which is carcinogenic to humans and harmful to the environment. The growing environmental concerns and stringent legislative requirements to the formaldehyde emission from wood-based panels have posed new challenges to researchers and industrial practice, related to the development of sustainable, eco-friendly wood-based panels with close-to-zero formaldehyde emission. The most common methods to reduce the formaldehyde emission from wood-based panels have been to decrease the free formaldehyde in the adhesive by modifying the adhesive (like lowering the molar ratio of formaldehyde to urea in UF resin) or by using formaldehyde scavengers, one group of scavengers being for adhesives by mixing or reacting and the second one scavengers for wood-based panels as post-treatments. Another way is to use alternative bio-based adhesives, however, there are still substantial challenges for the complete replacement of formaldehyde-based adhesives with bio-based adhesives, mainly because of their relatively low bonding strength, poor water resistance, etc. This article presents a review and analysis of the current state of research in the field of low formaldehyde emission wood adhesives and formaldehyde scavengers for manufacturing low-toxic, eco-friendly wood composites.

Selected previous findings on the factors influencing the gluing quality of solid wood products in timber construction and possible developments: A review



Various factors affect the bonding quality of elements used for timber construction. This review includes literature studies and personal experiences related to relevant technological variables defining glue bond performance in glue-laminated timber elements during their service life. The gluing of hardwood species receives special focus as it is considered by the industry to be the most challenging process for implementation. In particular, the effects of wood species, type of adhesive, glued-wood surface quality, physical and/or chemical modification of the wood, technological solutions for gluing, and varying climatic conditions during the use phase (relative humidity, temperature, air circulation, etc.) are considered. In addition, overlapping of individual influencing factors often leads to problems with bonding, thus requiring strongly integrating measurement methods (e.g. NIR spectroscopy). The causes of variations in the results when glued wood is tested using different standardized methods are discussed. A list of open research questions is provided, and problem solutions are recommended based on systematized cutting-edge knowledge. The aim of the work is to systematize the state of knowledge of wood gluing to create a basis for controlled and stable manufacturing processes. The progress of the work will be reported in further publications.

Shear strength and wood failure percentages of glue laminated timber made of beech and ash compared to spruce.

Note: an unacceptable performance limits for individual glue lines in softwood engineered products are marked as gray. (Arnoldet al.Citation2019).


Dynamic tests on a long-span, stressed-skin, timber floor



The design of timber floors is often governed by the fulfilment of serviceability requirements concerning human-induced vibrations. The stiffness and modal properties (eigenfrequency and damping ratio) are essential parameters for the design verification of timber floors against vibrations. In the present paper, a series of experimental tests (static tests, impact hammer modal tests, forced resonant vibrations and free vibrations) on a long-span, stressed-skin, timber floor are presented, together with predictions using a Finite Element model. Moreover, the effect of additional mass was investigated by adding extra weight in the mid-span. The modal properties obtained by different methods were in good agreement. The measured damping ratios were low, especially for the first two modes (of the order of 0.7% for the first mode and 0.8-1.0% for the second mode). The FE predictions were in good agreement with the experimental results regarding stiffness and the first two eigenfrequencies. However, the FE model overestimated the third eigenfrequency and underestimated the steady state accelerations observed under forced vibrations. A stiffness-proportional Rayleigh damping was found to describe best the energy dissipation.

3D layout of the floor and details.


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