make out of和make from的区别

2023-10-18 3浏览

make out of和make from的区别:

1、意思不同:make out of意思是用某物制造出,由某物组成;make from的意思直接由某物制成。

2、用法不同:make out of用法基本意思是做、制造。即使甲物变为乙物;make from用法意思是制作、做成、产生。

3、侧重点不同:make out of侧重点是强调的是制成品的内容是原料;make from侧重点是强调从成品看不出原料。

make out of举例:

They make compost out of all kinds of waste.他们用各种废料制造堆肥。

I put a small set of Tinkertoys in front of each student,and said:Make something out of the Tinkertoys.我在每个学生面前放了一小套万能工匠,说:"用万能工匠做点什么东西。

make from举例:

They used to make canoes from cedar logs.他们以前用杉木制造独木舟。

They make manufactures from their own raw materials.他们用自己的原料制造产品。